Safer Central is Central Bedfordshire’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP)
Community safety is a high public priority and can affect the quality of life for individual’s and communities. Tackling community safety depends on organisations and services working together with the Police.
The CSP has representatives from five statutory partners
- Central Bedfordshire Council
- Bedfordshire Police
- Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- BeNCH/Community Rehabilitation Company
- Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Community Safety Priorities – 2019-2021
Safer Central consults with partners, stakeholders and communities to assess risk and threats every year.
The partnership currently has two priorities and one identified knowledge gap
Priority 1 - Ending Exploitation – this includes Modern Day Slavery, Trafficking of Human Beings, Child Sexual Exploitation, County Lines, Knife Crime and Domestic Extremism and Terrorism
Priority 2 – Tackling Domestic and Sexual Abuse
Knowledge Gap - Prevalence and Impact of Substance Misuse - Drugs and Alcohol
Each CSP across the country is required to produce a Partnership Plan that sets out:
- What we will deliver over the next 12 months
- How performance will be measures
- How we will communicate and consult with local people
SaferCentral Partnership Strategy
Download a copy of our three year strategy document.